Členovia riešiteľského tímu projektu SUNI-SEA Vás pozývajú na webinár "Scaling-up community based NCD prevention and control: focus on quality", ktorý sa uskutoční dňa 27. 10. o 10:00.
- Scaling Up NCD Interventions in South-East Asia (SUNI-SEA): Beyond horizontal and vertical expansion (Dr Jaap Koot, Dr Vitri Widyaningsih)
- Scaling up community-based healthcare in decentralized health systems: Achieving bottom-up service strengthening (Trang Nong, Dr Jeanet Landsman)
- Capacity building geared to local needs of the community: Development of a tool (Dr Khin Hnin Swe, Zinzi Pardoel)
Na webinár je potrebné zaregistrovať sa prostredníctvom tohto linku: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Eq2VNWUdQBac8Z4_Pdmqjg.
Ďalšie informácie nájdete na https://eupha.org/eupha-webinars.