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Prof. Marek Majdan, MSc., PhD.


je profesorom na Katedre verejného zdravotníctva a v súčasnosti aj prorektorom Trnavskej univerzity pre rozvoj. V rokoch 2012-2015 pôsobil ako prodekan pre vedu a výskum FZaSP. Vo svojom výskume sa zameriava na klinickú a populačnú epidemiologickú analýzu ochorení s dôrazom na úrazy mozgu. Je členom expertnej skupiny Global Burden of Disease Study, bol alebo je riešiteľom/spoluriešiteľom vyše 20 medzinárodných projektov, publikoval vyše 70 vedeckých článkov na ktoré získal viac ako 5000 citácií. Je členom viacerých odborných organizácií a komisií, napríklad Vedeckej rady Ministra zdravotníctva SR. Habilitoval na 3. Lekárskej fakulte Univerzity Karlovej.

Rok narodenia: 1980
Rok získania PhD: 2005
Rok získania doc: 2015
rok získania prof.: 2021

Uviesť 5 najvýznamnejších publikácii

Aktuálny zoznam publikácií nájdete tu:

Majdan M, Plancikova D, Maas A, Polinder S, Feigin V, Theadom A, Rusnak M, Brazinova A, Haagsma J. Years of life lost due to traumatic brain injury in Europe: A cross-sectional analysis of 16 countries. PLoS Medicine, 2017 July 11;14(7):e1002331. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1002331.
Majdan M, Plancikova D, Nemcovska E, Krajcovicova L, Brazinova A, Rusnak M.: Mortality due to traumatic spinal cord injuries in Europe: a cross-sectional and pooled analysis of population-wide data from 22 countries. Scand Journal of Trauma Resuscitation and Emergency Medicine. 2017 Jul 3;25(1):64. doi: 10.1186/s13049-017-0410-0.
Marek Majdan, Dominika Plancikova, Alexandra Brazinova, Prof Martin Rusnak, Daan Nieboer, Valery Feigin, Andrew Maas: Epidemiology of traumatic brain injuries in Europe: a cross-sectional analysis. The Lancet Public Health , Volume 1 , Issue 2 , e76 - e83, DOI: 
Majdan M, Steyerberg EW, Nieboer D, Mauritz W, Rusnak M, Lingsma H. Glasgow Coma Scale motor score and pupillary reaction to predict six month mortality in patients with TBI: comparison of field and admission assessment. Journal of Neurotrauma, September 2014, published ahead of print. ISSN: 0897-715.DOI: 10.1089/neu.2014.3438.
Majdan M, Mauritz W, Rusnak M, Brazinova A, Rehorcikova V, Leitgeb J. Long term trends and patterns of fatal traumatic brain injuries in the pediatric and adolescent population of Austria in 1980-2012: analysis of 33 years. Journal of Neurotrauma, Jún 2014, vol.31, No 11, s. 1046-55. ISSN: 0897-715. DOI: 10.1089/neu.2013.3200.
Granty – projekty
Training packages for health professionals to improve access and quality of health services for migrants and ethnic minorities including the Roma (MEM-TP), EU Health Programme, 2013-2015
CENTER-TBI: Prospective longitudinal data collection and Comparative Effectiveness Research (CER) for traumatic brain injury (TBI)
Multicentre, pan-European project funded by EC FP7; 2013-ongoing
Early treatment of patients with severe and moderate TBI in Austria
Project aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of pre-hospital care in patients after traumatic brain injuries; funded by Austrian Ministry of Health; 2008-2012
RAPID – Risk assessment of policies to impact level
European project aimed at developing methodologies to assess the risk of policies for health; funded by EC, DG SANCO; 2009-2012
FIRCA – A case control study of early risk factors for breast cancer
Study of early risk factors for breast cancer in cooperation with Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA, funded by National Institutes of Health (NIH); 2005-2008
HIA-NMAC – Introducing Health Impact Assessment into practice in new EU member states and pre-accession countries
Project aimed at introducing Health Impact Assessment in new EU member states, funded by EC, DG SANCO; 2005-2008
HEALTHY INCLUSION – Improving access of migrants to health promotion in European countries
Project aimed at analysing access of migrants to health promotion in EU, funded by EC, DG SANCO; 2008-2010
Prevalence and costs of depression among diabetes patients in Slovakia and Romania
Project conducted in cooperation with the University of California - Berkeley and University of Babes Bolyayi, Cluj, Romania, aimed at analysing prevalence of depression in patients with diabetes in Romania and Slovakia, funded by Fogarty International Centre, National Institutes of Health (NIH); 2009-2010
Indoor air Quality and Respiratory Health in Roma settlements in Slovakia and Romania (IARQ)
Project aimed at analysing the exposure to biomass related pollutants in the indoor environment of houses in Roma villages in Slovakia and Romania; funded by Fogarty International Centre, National Institutes of Health (NIH); 2009-2010
Indoor air Quality and Respiratory Health in rural settlements in Kwale, Kenya (IAQUALE)
Project aimed at analysis of exposure to pollutants from biomass use in the indoor environment of rural settlements in Kwale, Kenya; funded by the Ministry of education of Slovakia and the Trnava University; 2011-2012
Interventions to reduce exposure to indoor pollution from biomass fuels in Kwale, Kenya (IAQUALE II.)
Project aimed at comparing the effectiveness of simple interventions to reduce exposure to pollutants from biomass use in the indoor environment of rural settlements in Kwale, Kenya, funded by the Ministry of education of Slovakia and the Trnava University; 2013
Effectiveness of Roma-assistants in improving the health of the Roma community in Slovakia
Project aimed at analysing the effectiveness of Roma health assistants for improving the health status of Roma in Roma villages in Slovakia; funded by the Slovak research and development agency; 2008-2010, Junior Non-Key Expert
Public Health Reform II (EuropeAid/128400/C/SER/BA- IPA Contract)
Project implemented by CEEN Economy and Policy Consulting, Vienna, Short-term senior expert for planning and implementation of a training program in epidemiology and biostatistics for epidemiology professionals in Bosnia and Hercegovina; 2012-2013, Junior Non-Key Expert
Technical Assistance for Licensing and Accreditation under „Health sector modernization project consultant services, Project ID No. P082814, Grant No. TF 055804“
Project implemented by CEEN Economy and Policy Consulting, Vienna, funded by World Bank, consultant for software design for accreditation of health care providers in Albania; 2008-2009, Senior Non-Key Expert